Saturday, August 27, 2011


Last minute we decided to go on a road trip to get out of New Delhi and to take advantage of a three day weekend.  Well, what an adventure!!!  We booked the second to last room at the Neemrana Fort: a converted palace in Rajasthan that Delhi-ites commonly go for quick getaways.  It is only 120km from our house (about a 2 hour drive).  We packed the car, grabbed Desmond, and off we went.

Driving there took a little longer due to the lack of signs.  We ended driving an extra 20 kms.  Upon arriving we walked up many steep ramps to reception, which also didn’t have much signage.  We checked into our room and found that there was no A/C.  That was why the room was available on short notice!  Oh, and might I add that the stairs going up were like a maze.  Ok, no problem; it was one night and the evenings are cooler in the desert. 
We dropped off our stuff and went to lunch.  I quickly noticed how child un-friendly the place actually was.  I mean, most of India is not child friendly and we have been able to make it work, but this place was full of steep and narrow stairs next to steep drops.  Desmond did not have much freedom to roam!  After an excellent lunch we looked for the pool, which is one of the draws for people.  What we found was a green and murky basis of water…hmmm.  It was full of people playing in it and lounging around, so we decided to a nap and then explore as the sun goes down. 
The hotel was kind enough to find us an additional fan (after I initially asked them, they said they had none until I showed them 2 that were not being used-that made a huge difference).  After Desmond and Daddy slept for an hour, we set off to explore the Fort.  Since it was 115 degrees out, there was no wind or breeze at all, we had no A/C, and we saw people swimming and playing in the pool, we decided to let Daddy take Des to join them.  Aunt Becca would have been shocked at the state of it.  Given pregnancy, I decided to watch and sweat it out.  After a short swim they showered and we explored more.  We found a few patches of grass where Desmond ran around and he was as happy as a lark.  He climbed stairs (holding hands) all over the place.  We all exercised quite a bit that afternoon.

Before dinner, we watched some a group perform live Indian music and dancing and had a drink in the A/C room near the hidden reception.  Dinner was very good (the meals were one of the highlights).  I did ask if there were any cancelations because the temps were still high that evening, but they said no.  Then, after I told them I was pregnant, they found a room.  It was small and with only a single bed and it would not have been ready until well after Desmond’s bedtime.  With an exhausted toddler, we decided that it was not the best option.   In the end the evening was pleasant and the fans made the room cool enough to sleep.  Of course Desmond took up most of the bed trying to stay cool!

The next morning we ate breakfast and explored more of the Fort.  Daddy went zip lining, and Desmond and I played in the grass and shade.  Originally we were going to spend the morning in the pool but we decided one time in the green water was enough.  Desmond ended up playing in the shower for awhile and then took a nap.  By time he woke up, Daddy was back and we headed home. While it will not go down in the books as favorite get away, we enjoyed the adventure.
Special note: Driving in India is unlike driving anywhere in the US. Probably in the world, for that matter. I am thankful that I was not driving and that I decided to sit in the back seat with Desmond because even then I am sure my blood pressure was elevated! It is like playing Frogger and chicken at the same time. Cars/trucks drive in the middle of 2 lanes, switch lanes without blinking, or drive on the WRONG side of the highway. Trucks would cross the highway without even looking to see if you were about to hit them. Thank goodness for good brakes! Of course let’s not forget to mention that you share the road with other cars, trucks, rickshaws, bicycles, walkers, and many cows. Our personal favorite was 2 cars who stopped on an 8 lane highway while cars swerved to avoid them in order to have a conversation!!! Poor Daddy was exhausted from the drive so we spent the rest of the afternoon at the clean embassy pool where he relaxed and took a short nap and Desmond and I played in the water.
An example of the stairs, these started our trek to our room

The end of the day, tired desmond

Trying for a family we could do.

Dinner time, waiting for food

I love Daddy! Kisses!!

Daddy all ready for ziplining!

Fort from above

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Desmond Starts School

So maybe Desmond is not old enough to be actually in school but they have a pre-pre-preschool here that he attends every day. He the youngest kid in his class but is so well adjusted that the teachers are thrilled to have him there. He takes his school very seriously (like daddy) and insists on wearing his backpack down to the car every day! He loves being there and is learning all sorts of news things, like coloring and playing with other kids. As we all know, Desmond loves to talk and he is learning new words every day which always amazes me. Check out some first school day and Indian dress day pictures.
Des and Daddy at school

Family shot, Desmond is checking out all the toys

Bye bye mommy and daddy, don't worry I have lots of toys to play with

Getting ready for school, its Indian Dress day

Look at me, I hope I look cute

Excellent, Tina put the hat on as well...

Ok enough pictures, I have my backpack on, lets go!

I love blocks and cars!

Watching a video with Daddy after school, quite time

Friday, August 12, 2011

Sec State Clinton Comes to Visit

On July 20, 2011, Marcus and I took Desmond to meet Secretary Clinton.  I am not sure it would be something we would repeat.  We waited 2+ hours inside and 1++ hours outside in the 115 degree heat for her arrival.  When she came, she made a very nice speech, took a picture with the kids and then left.  I was standing right next to her and said hello but didn't shake her hand as I was under the impression she was going to shake hands afterwards.  So, I was happy to have Desmond with us for the picture or else we would of been there for many hours just to see her and not actually meet her.
Desmond was a trooper! Only at the very end did he finally let us know he was hot, hungry, and tired... with a dirty diaper.  He barely made it to the crib before passing out for his nap.

Here is an article that was printed the next day, scroll all the way down and you will see another picture. If you read the comments, they are commenting on how cute Desmond is!!

The Official Picture

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Spain Part II

Marcus and I have been delayed in updating our blog because we have been so busy working on our bid list.  We should know the identity of our next post by mid August.  Very exciting.

Of course we had an amazing time and created some great family memories.  We left Denia and drove up the cost to Barcelona, stopping on the way in Taragona (a Roman spa town which was the home of Julius Ceasar) for a quick bit to eat and some sight-seeing.   We sat with a view over the Mediterranean and an ancient amphitheatre. 
After arriving in Barcelona, we enjoyed a nice dinner with Art, Patty, and Mark.  We found a gem of a tapas bar whose staff were very fond of Desmond. 
The next morning, we flew to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia.  For three days we walked through old medieval neighborhoods, stopping in cafes, more tapas bars, and old churches.  The streets, especially after the rain, made us feel like we were travelling back in time to medieval Europe.  We also drove out to Costa del Muerte, which is the continental counterpart of the west coast of Ireland.  Lots of quaint fishing villages and breathtaking coastline.
We then returned to Barcelona for some hardcore sightseeing.  Without a doubt our favorite spot was the Sagrada Familia.  Gaudi’s unfinished Roman Catholic Church is something everyone should see regardless of your religious persuasion.  When completed it will surely be one of the world’s architectural treasures.  Amazingly, it has been a work in progress for over 100 years.  They say that it will take another quarter of a century to complete.   We enjoyed walking up and down the hilly streets and eating at different restaurants every night.  Desmond enjoyed walking around as well and became an expert hand holder by the end of the trip.  Lots of parks and funky buildings.  A very pedestrian friendly city, and one in which anybody would love to live. 
The two weeks of visiting old friends and sightseeing was much needed.  We enjoyed it thoroughly.  While we had a great trip, we were both happy to return home (Desmond could have probably stayed and checked out Barcelona longer).  Desmond was amazing on the flight home; we could not have asked for a better performance from him.  I think we’ve set the foundation for a good traveler. 
Now for Desmond’s next adventure---pre-pre-school….
But mommy, I dont want to smile right now... I want to play

Amazing views!

Cat nap on the plane

I LOVE the parks in Spain, can we please stay??

the art in Glacia was crazy, you saw everything

Yay, Suarez!

Desmond Loved the water... he wanted to play in every fountain.

Road trip, beautiful views

Yumm, I love pasta.

We climbed up the hard way, I didnt think we would ever get down.. we found the easy way down.

Whew, made it! On top and its windy!


Look at me, this is fun. 

Desmond enjoying the view.